May 17, 2021

In accordance with the new CDC recommendations and the updated Virginia guidelines put out by Governor Northam, effective immediately, the Virginia Beach Field House will no longer be requiring all guests to wear masks. All individuals fully vaccinated will not be required to wear masks. We ask that all guests practice social distancing and be mindful of others in our spaces to help everyone feel welcomed in our Field House. We will continue to monitor future CDC recommendations and will adjust our policies accordingly.
As always, we continue to move forward with the help of our community. We appreciate everyone for helping us serve you. 

May 11, 2021

The Governor has loosened restrictions in his Executive Order, meaning our processes will adjust accordingly. Please find updated information for each COVID process below.

Youth Leagues:
We are happy to allow three spectators per player for all youth leagues. A spectator is counted as any person, regardless of age. This means infants are included in the spectator count. Masks are required at all times when in the facility. See below for more information on how game day procedures will be conducted.

Game Day Procedures:

  • Check-in Process – please meet your coach outside in the designated areas off the sidewalks approximately 20 minutes prior to game time. At 15 minutes before game time, we will begin the process of allowing teams into the facility based on the availability of the finishing courts. Spectators will remain outside until all teams and coaches have checked in. Once teams are in, we will invite spectators to check in by team. We ask for your patience as we complete the check in process. It will not take long as long as everyone follows the process. Everyone should stay in their designated spaces outside until invited inside – please do not congregate around the front doors.
  • Spectator Restrictions – while we can allow three spectators per player, we cannot manage any additional for any reason. This includes if one player is not bringing their spectators for a game. They cannot, in this situation, transfer their “unused” spectators to another player. Simply put, 3 spectators per player is the maximum, regardless of your situation. 
  • Socially Distancing/Face Masks All people (spectators, coaches, and players) must wear a mask to and from the playing spaces. Players are not required to wear a mask while playing, although it is encouraged. All coaches and spectators are required, per the Governor’s order, to wear a mask mask that covers their nose and mouth for the duration of the their time in the facility, regardless if you have been fully vaccinated. In addition, (non-family or same household) spectators must maintain a minimum of 6′ of socially distancing. Spread out and use our space. Many times there is additional space upstairs that provides excellent viewing.
  • There may be various opinions on the above restrictions, but please understand that VBFH has exhausted all our resources in making our youth leagues possible. The only way we can continue to offer our youth leagues is if we can have everyone do their part and follow the mandated guidelines. 

Covid Policy Reminders:

  • If a family member is not feeling well or is showing any symptoms of COVID-19, please remain home to reduce the possibility of spread amongst the community.
  • Masks / Face Coverings MUST always be worn properly for all parents and coaches while in the facility. This means the mask must cover the nose and mouth. Parents and coaches must wear a face mask the entire time they are in the facility. Players will need to wear their masks properly to and from the fields/courts. While we recommend players wear face masks while playing, they are not required during play.
  • (Non-family or same household) Spectators must maintain 6 feet of social distancing while inside the facility.  

Adult Leagues:
We are happy to allow three spectators per player for all leagues. A spectator is counted as any person, regardless of age. This means infants are included in the spectator count. Masks are required at all times when in the facility. See below for more information on how game day procedures will be conducted.

Game Day Procedures:

  • Check-in Process – please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before your scheduled game time. You ask that you check in at the front desk. Any spectators may enter with the player but must also check in. 
  • Spectator Restrictions – while we can allow three spectators per player, we cannot manage any additional for any reason. This includes if one player is not bringing their spectators for a game. They cannot, in this situation, transfer their “unused” spectators to another player. Simply put, 3 spectators per player is the maximum, regardless of your situation. 
  • Socially Distancing/Face Masks all people (spectators, coaches, and players) must wear a mask to and from the playing spaces. Players are not required to wear a mask while playing, although it is encouraged. All coaches and spectators are required, per the Governor’s order, to wear a mask mask that covers their nose and mouth for the duration of the their time in the facility, regardless if you have been fully vaccinated. In addition, (non-family or same household) spectators must maintain a minimum of 6′ of socially distancing. Spread out and use our space. Many times there is additional space upstairs that provides excellent viewing.
  • There may be various opinions on the above restrictions, but please understand that VBFH has exhausted all our resources in making our leagues possible. The only way we can continue to offer our leagues is if we can have everyone do their part and follow the mandated guidelines.  

Covid Policy Reminders: 

  • If a family member is not feeling well or is showing any symptoms of COVID-19, please remain home to reduce the possibility of spread amongst the community.
  • Masks / Face Coverings MUST always be worn properly for all parents and coaches while in the facility. This means the mask must cover the nose and mouth. Parents and coaches must wear a face mask the entire time they are in the facility. Players will need to wear their masks properly to and from the fields/courts. While we recommend players wear face masks while playing, they are not required during play.
  • (Non-family or same household) Spectators must maintain 6 feet of social distancing while inside the facility.

Lil’ Kickers, Lil’ Monster Ballers, Lil’ Sluggers, Lil’ Flyers, and Skills Institute:
We are happy to allow three spectators per player for all Lil classes. A spectator is counted as any person, regardless of age. This means infants are included in the spectator count. Masks are required at all times when in the facility. See below for more information on how game day procedures will be conducted.

Check In Procedures:

  • Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your scheduled class. At 15 minutes before your class, please visit our check in desk. You will be instructed to proceed to your field/court. Spectators are welcome to come in with the Lil participant, but need to check in as well.
  • Spectator Restrictions – while we can allow three spectators per player, we cannot manage any additional for any reason. This includes if one player is not bringing their spectators for a game. They cannot, in this situation, transfer their “unused” spectators to another player. Simply put, 3 spectators per player is the maximum, regardless of your situation. 
  • Socially Distancing/Face Masks all people (spectators, coaches, and players) must wear a mask to and from the playing spaces. Players are not required to wear a mask while playing, although it is encouraged. All coaches and spectators are required, per the Governor’s order, to wear a mask mask that covers their nose and mouth for the duration of the their time in the facility, regardless if you have been fully vaccinated. In addition, (non-family or same household) spectators must maintain a minimum of 6′ of socially distancing. Spread out and use our space. Many times there is additional space upstairs that provides excellent viewing.


  • If a family member is not feeling well or is showing any symptoms of COVID-19, please remain home to reduce the possibility of spread amongst the community.
  • Masks / Face Coverings MUST always be worn properly for all parents and coaches while in the facility. This means the mask must cover the nose and mouth. Parents and coaches must wear a face mask the entire time they are in the facility. Players will need to wear their masks properly to and from the fields/courts. While we recommend players wear face masks while playing, they are not required during play.
  • (Non-family or same household) Spectators must maintain 6 feet of social distancing while inside the facility.

November 13, 2020

Field House Family,

Following the Governor’s address today, we have received a number of inquiries as to the state of play in our facility. For clarity, we reached out to the State Health Department, the enforcement agency for all orders related to COVID, and received confirmation that our restrictions do not change.

We still must maintain regulations set forth in Executive Order 67 (see below for more info), and a new amended Executive Order will be issued soon with the impacted areas updated.

That said, in order to continue offering opportunities to play, we’d like to reiterate the way that we are presently offering programming for those who may have missed it in prior communications:

  • The max capacity in our facility at any given time is 250 people.
  • Only rostered players and coaches may enter the facility.
  • For youth leagues, players age 11 and under may be accompanied by one spectator/parent/guardian.
  • In an effort to keep the transitions moving quickly from game-to-game, players will need to wait outside the building until they are called inside. Therefore, we are requesting that teams leave the facility immediately following their games so that we may remain under that 250 number at all times.
  • Masks must be worn at all times in the facility unless actively playing on a court or field. There are no exceptions.

Please ensure that we have the most up-to-date contact information for you in Dash as your league directors and our administrative staff will reach out as they receive any updates.

We thank you all for your patience and understanding during these challenging times. We will continue to work diligently to provide safe access to our programs in accordance with State guidelines.

We look forward to serving you soon. 

Kind regards,

Bryan Schmidt

General Manager

Virginia Beach Field House

November 12, 2020

Field House Family,

First, let me start by thanking our community. It has been terrific to welcome back many of you to the Field House. We appreciate all of your patience as we have navigated ever-changing restrictions and guidelines. Simply put, you all have been awesome!
As many of you already know, the State Health Department has changed our classification from a sports venue to a recreational sports venue. With this distinction comes a reduction of people allowed in the building from 1,000 to 250 total. This means we have to change the way we offer opportunities. Our priority is to continue offering programming to all players, youth and adult. To accomplish this, we can only allow rostered players and coaches to enter the facility. For any youth leagues under age 12, one person may enter per child. Even with these restrictions, our numbers will regularly push 250, so it is critical that we are vigilant in our efforts here.

At times when our numbers are under 250, we are presently developing a registration process to allow additional guests in the building. We recognize and share the frustration around limited/no spectators. To be honest, family and friends are important people in our facility. They provide a terrific atmosphere and support our players in so many ways. Moreover, many of them purchase food and beverage which helps bring a significant revenue stream into our facility. All of this is lost with our new restrictions. We hope the upcoming registration process will help provide a much-needed opportunity to spectate and play when there is space. 
In order to keep games moving and on time, players will need to wait outside until they are called inside. We are experimenting with check-in tables outside to help expedite the turnaround when courts and fields open. That being said, to accommodate everyone, we do need teams to leave as quickly as possible after their game to allow the next teams to come in (as we work diligently to stay under our 250 number). Any online payments made before you come to the Field House will help everyone and increase the speed of this transition.
Our team is doing everything in their power to communicate any and all changes that may arise as a result of the ever-evolving COVID guidelines in our area. That being said, please ensure that your Dash account is updated with your most current email address and phone number so that you are kept in the loop at all times.

As always, thank you for your patience and understanding. We know this time has been challenging for you all. I’m proud of the terrific staff that is working hard day in and day out to find ways to both continue to provide opportunities for all to play while also complying with the restrictions issued by the State Health Department. We will continue to be creative and explore new ways to improve on both. We welcome your feedback and can’t wait to get things safely back to normal soon!

Yours in sport,

Bryan Schmidt
General Manager
Virginia Beach Field House

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