Lil’ Fielders is a child development program created to introduce children ages 2-6 to the game of baseball. Lil’ Fielders classes develop important baseball skills such as throwing, catching, hitting and base running. Developmentally appropriate equipment and games are used to teach your child the game of baseball in a fun, exciting and positive environment.

  • Player : Coach ratio 8:1

  • Ask about our no-obligation trial classes

  • Make-up classes are available

  • Classes are held indoors throughout the year

  • Classes are based on availability

  • Annual administrative fee required ($10 per person)


  • Week of March 25 – Week of June 1, 2025
  • Classes held on Tues/Thurs/Sat & Sun
  • $17.50/Class

Class Descriptions

Mascots - 2 year olds

*Parent/caregiver participation is required as The Mascots curriculum is designed to introduce children to basic baseball concepts in a fun environment that also enforces the fundamentals of social skills and teamwork.


  • Simple base recognition.
  • Hitting- to make contact with the ball off the tee.
  • Throwing…point, step, and throw with proper motion and aim.
  • Fielding, with emphasis on using two hands, staying in front of the ball and not falling down.
  • Improving hand/eye coordination & balance.
  • Fitness and agility.
  • Introducing basic social skills such as following instructions, taking turns and teamwork.
Minors - 3 year olds

*Parent/caregiver participation as needed The Minors curriculum is designed to have the children continue their baseball experience in a fun environment that also reinforces the fundamentals of the game.


  • Simple base running and base recognition.
  • Hitting, focusing on proper stance and level swing to make contact with the ball off the tee. Introduction to hitting from a pitch.
  • Throwing…point, step, and throw with proper motion and aim.
  • Fielding, with emphasis on using two hands, staying in front of the ball and not falling down.
  • Improved hand/eye coordination.
  • Understanding straightforward game situations, such as throwing a player out.
  • Fitness and agility.
  • Advancement of social skills such as following instructions, taking turns and teamwork.

Minors II: 3 Year Olds

Minors II is the progression class for Minors, and expands on the skills and objectives of the Minors class. At least one session of Mascots II or Minors is required as prerequisite for this class.

Majors - 4 year olds

The Majors curriculum expands on the skills learned in the 3-year-old program, with slightly more technical instruction and game situations.


  • Proper base running and sliding techniques.
  • Hitting, focusing on proper stance, level swing, and follow-through off the tee. Begin hitting from a pitch by the coach.
  • Throwing…point, step, and throw with the proper motion for distance and accuracy.
  • Fielding, with emphasis on using two hands, staying in front of the ball.
  • Catching pop flies with two hands.
  • Learning various offensive and defensive game situations
  • Fitness and agility

Majors II: 4-Year-Olds

  • (Requires parent/caregiver participation as needed) Mascots II is the progression class for Majors, and expands on the skills and objectives of Majors class. Classes introduce more complex concepts such as hitting a pitched ball, game situations and making plays with time pressure. At least one session of Minors II or Majors is a prerequisite for this class.
Hall of Famers - 5 year olds

The Hall of Famers curriculum is designed to have the children continue improving their fundamentals skills while preparing them for their next level of participation, organized tee-ball.


  • Base recognition and proper base running techniques.
  • Five steps of hitting with focus on proper form including full swing and hip rotation.
  • Correct throwing mechanics emphasizing accuracy and distance.
  • Proper fielding technique, keeping their body in front of the ball.
  • Using the baseball glove for fielding of line drives and pop fly catches.
  • Teamwork.
    • Game situations.
    • Fitness and agility.

Hall of Famers II: 5/6 Year Olds

Hall of Famers II is the progression class for Hall of Famers, and expands on the skills and objectives of Hall of Famer class. This class continues to reinforce solid fundamentals in preparation for league play. More challenging activities and complex game situations are introduced.

Program Policies

Class Transfers:

  • Guests can change their child’s class at anytime during the Lil’ Sluggers Session.

  • All transfers are dependent on space availability.

Refund Policy:

  • Refunds will ONLY be given if a class has been canceled on our end. We will no longer give refunds for missed classes, as make-ups are available.
  • We will also not give refunds if your child does not like the class as free trial classes are available for all classes.
  • This policy includes families on payment plans – we will no longer stop payment plans once your child is committed to their season.

Trial Classes:

  • All first time trial classes are free, and must first be approved by the Youth Development Coordinator
  • Trial classes are dependent on space availability.

  • A Field House waiver must be filled out prior to any trial class, either at our front desk, or through DASH, here.

Make-Up Classes:

  • All make-up classes must be scheduled with the Youth Development Coordinator

  • Make-up classes are dependent on space availability.

  • Make-up classes do not carry over between sessions.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Lil’s Youth Development Coordinator.

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: (757) 427-3955

Our Partners

United Roofing
United Roofing