Adult Sand Volleyball is back at the Field House!


Ages: 14+

Registration Opens: March 17

Registration Closes: June 10

League Start Date Week of: June 17 – August 22, 2024

Season: 8 Week Season – 16-game guarantee. Week 9 will be Playoffs for all teams that advance. Playoff seeding will be based on court availability.

Game Days/Times: Games are played Mondays. Check-in time will be 6:45 pm; Game Times: 7:00 pm, 7:45 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:15pm and 10pm.


  • Fours (4’s) – Total Team Fee: $320.00; $80 per Individual
  • Doubles (2s) – Total Team Fee: $200.00; $100 per Individual
  • Membership Fee (Per person): $10.00 Annual Membership 


ALL TEAMS – please plan to arrive for 7 pm games regardless of your first match – if your team is not on the schedule for the 7 pm game, it simply means you are reffing the first match of the night. 


Division Information

Are you looking for a competitive or recreational league?

This is very important to maintain the integrity of the leagues. Use the league description below to assist you in your decision.

A & AA/Open (competitive)
Skilled players that know their way around a court (and have the vertical jump to prove it)
For players that like to win

B/BB (recreational)
Play for exercise and the fun of the game
Would like to win but winning is not the reason for playing

VBFH will be running the following leagues:


  • Men’s AA/A/BB 2’s
  • Women’s Open/AA, A/BB 2’s


  • Coed A/BB 2’s
  • Coed A/BB 4’s


  • Coed A 2’s
  • Coed BB 2’s
  • Coed A 4’s


  • Women’s 2’s A/BB
  • Coed A 4’s
  • Coed BB 4’s

League Policies

A and AA/Open leagues have a minimum age requirement of 16 years. There is no minimum age for B/BB leagues, however, the Virginia Beach Field House reserves the right to remove minors from the league.


All A team’s will play by beach rules.

As a court sport, Beach Volleyball involves a number of strict rules, including:

Players are allowed to touch the ball three times maximum before they return it across the court – blocks included.

There are a number of moves and hits that are classed as illegal in Beach Volleyball, including “hand touches”, “tips” and “dinks”.

Players are permitted to cross below the net in Beach Volleyball – but this will be classed as a foul if it tampers or interferes with the opposing team’s play.

There is no set position for players, meaning they can move to any part of the court they wish at any time – provided it is on their side.

Player Requirements/Safety for 4’s

4 players on the court – for coed, 1 male and 1 female must be on the court minimum at all times

The opposing team captain may waive the minimum player requirement AND have the results of the match COUNT towards the standings. Agreeing that the results of the match COUNT must be made clear at the net prior to the start of play by the team captains. Agreeing to play does not infer that the match counts unless this is explicitly decided by the opposing team captain.

Each player must sign a waiver before his/her first game. Note: If you add a player to your team throughout the year, that player must sign a waiver before they play, even if it is only for one game.

If you have questions, please contact Kiresten Bertram at, [email protected].

Our Partners

United Roofing
United Roofing